
As of 11/12/2022

On 11/12/2022 we cut/pruned/trimmed branches from a maple tree close to the road. The branches were up high so rope and a harness were used to get up there. We also cut down a dead tree behind/beside the maple tree. We worked for 4 hours.

As of 10/15/2022

On 10/15/2022 we finished clearing the brush from the parking area on the left side of the driveway. We also staked logs down where the parking area will end and the miniature golf course will begin. We worked for 4 hours.

As of 09/17/2022

On 09/17/2022 we cleared the brush around three big pine trees which we intend to keep. We also used a two man hand saw for the first time which we purchased from a local flea market. The saw is approximately 5 foot 6 inches in length. It did a great job cutting up some of the big limbs that were on the ground which had previously fallen from some of the dead trees. We worked for 4 hours.

As of 08/19/2022

From 08/14/2022 through 08/19/2022 we started clearing brush where the course will be using hand tools. We worked on it for 2 hours each day.

As of 07/15/2022

From 07/09/2022 through 07/15/2022 we moved all of the dirt from the pile on the right to the hole where the foundation used to be. We cleared almost all of the brush from the parking area using hand tools. The parking area is roughly 200 feet by 50 feet or about a quarter of an acre. We worked on it for 8 hours each day.

As of 06/11/2022

On 06/11/2022 we finished moving the dirt from the pile on the left to the hole where the foundation used to be. Started clearing the brush around the removed dirt pile with hand tools. We worked on it for 4 hours.

As of 05/14/2022

On 05/14/2022 we moved just about all of the dirt from the pile on the left to the hole where the foundation used to be. This was done with just a mattock and a couple of shovels and 5 gallon buckets. We worked on it for 4 hours.