
As of 07/15/2022

From 07/09/2022 through 07/15/2022 we moved all of the dirt from the pile on the right to the hole where the foundation used to be. We cleared almost all of the brush from the parking area using hand tools. The parking area is roughly 200 feet by 50 feet or about a quarter of an acre. We worked on it for 8 hours each day.

As of 06/11/2022

On 06/11/2022 we finished moving the dirt from the pile on the left to the hole where the foundation used to be. Started clearing the brush around the removed dirt pile with hand tools. We worked on it for 4 hours.

As of 05/14/2022

On 05/14/2022 we moved just about all of the dirt from the pile on the left to the hole where the foundation used to be. This was done with just a mattock and a couple of shovels and 5 gallon buckets. We worked on it for 4 hours.

As of 04/23/2022

On 04/23/2022 we cut up with shears and cleaned up vinyl siding that appeared to be from an old house on the property that is no longer there. We worked on it for 4 hours.

As of 03/19/2022

The contractor finished installing the driveway on 03/16/2022. We began clearing the land for the parking area. The work is being done by ourselves with just hand tools. The brush is being cut up in small pieces and being used for a wood chip parking area. We worked on it for 4 hours.

As of 11/27/2021

Measuring on 11/27/2021for where to locate the driveway.

As of 11/06/2021

 Taking a second look at the property on 11/06/2021 before making an offer on 11/08/2021.