Cut down 6 dead trees
On 07/17/2023 and 07/18/2023 we cut some of the taller grass by hand with a weed whip and sickle. We also put cardboard down with mulch on top of it in some of the parking area to prevent weeds. We cut down 6 dead trees. We used a manual rope chain saw to cut the tops off of a couple of the trees so that they would not hit the utility wires when we cut down the trees. The rope chain saw did a good job at topping the trees. Although we did get the saw stuck at one point along with the throw bag. In order to get it unstuck, I had to climb the tree using tree steps that screw in. These worked very well since the tree did not have any lower limbs that I could use with my climbing rope. Once the chain was unstuck, we were able to finish cutting the top off of the tree from the ground. We finished cutting down the trees with a two-man hand saw. Four out of the six dead trees had a substantial amount of poison ivy growing on them. I was able to use a new machete that I purchased to quickly cu...